Bouquet Napkins
Bouquet Napkins
Bouquet Napkins
Bouquet Napkins
Bouquet Napkins
Bouquet Napkins
Bouquet Napkins
Bouquet Napkins

Bouquet Napkins

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The Bouquet Napkins by Tarta Gelatina

These lovely napkins are a bloom of creativity and thoughtful design. Each napkin has a unique embroidered flower, created in collaboration with Argentinian artist María Centeno, and is hand-stitched with the kantha technique around the edges.

Each set includes 4 napkins, one of each design, neatly packed in a fabric envelope—perfect for gifting or keeping them beautifully stored.

• 45 x 45 cm (18"x18")
• Cotton / Linen blend
• Embroidered and hand-stitched
• Every set comes inside an embroidered fabric envelope

30 degree wash with similar colours
• Designed between Barcelona and Argentina
• Handmade in India by skilled artisans